Launcher.exe Keyworks: Launcher, run programs, utility, network, 16 bit, freeware, Crygier Required: Windows 95, Windows 3.x, Windows NT 3.51, 486 with 4 meg ram. For easier viewing, turn word wrap on. (Packaged as Launch16.exe, compressed format, use Launch32.exe for 32 bit format) Launcher is designed to run any Windows program that is used most often. With the hundreds of programs on the PC, many programs are not used very often and may be difficult to locate given many directories. Even button bars often only identify Microsoft products or Lotus products, but not both. Users don't need the readme files all the time or setup files included in many program groups. Launcher keeps a few or all of the users most used programs on the desktop. Launcher is written as a 16 bit application. It is useful on a network, but a network is not required, where the user can set up his own most popular programs, or those that authority has been granted. Programs are run based on the path and filename found in the text file placed on the users PC. When the program is first run, it loads the program names into list boxes and the user presses the button to run it. Installation Insert the disk in drive A and use the RUN command (or select 'Start' in Windows 95) and type a:\setup and hit enter. Edit the directory for the LAN or, for stand alone units, leave as suggested. The Launcher program stays on the LAN, only the text file is on the users PC. To set up for the local user, you can make the startup automatic by including an icon in the startup directory or by creating a button bar that runs Launcher.exe. Copy the included launcher.dat file to each users local PC and place it in the root directory for drive C (c:\). The executable will look in all root directories from C to Z until it finds launcher.dat. This sample includes programs names that the user may not have access to or doesn't have these programs. Edit each users launcher.txt file to include only those files they need to run. Editing the text file Launcher.txt contains the name of the programs, the command line to run that program and a short description of each program. You may wish to edit the main file found as a sample on the LAN first before distributing the model on each PC. The text file can be edited by the user at any time. Since it only contains local pc information, it does not upset any other pc file listing. Start Launcher at the users PC by pointing to the LAN location (or optional local directory). Note Launcher can be in a LAN directory with only 'read' authority, write is not needed. A list of files is displayed. To edit the list, right click on "Command Line" and a 'Settings' menu is visible. Select 'Edit/Add Programs'. The text file will load and you can add or delete as required. Launcher.txt Structure The text file first line contains the setting choice for how the program will operate after it launches a program. Change the bullet points for the choice you want in Settings, but the default is run in the background after launching (Setting=3). Each program description contains exactly three lines. The first is the name of the program, the second is the command line to run the program, and the third is a brief description for that program. The command line must contain the path and file name if the path is not in autoexec.bat. You may also run programs by using the 'Shortcut' that may exist. Either DOS type file names or long file names are supported to launch programs. The 16 bit version only supports DOS naming conventions. For Windows 95 or NT users, download "Launch32" for 32 bit support. For example, the following may be used to run Winword: Word For Windows C:\Progra~1\Micros~3\Office\WINWORD.EXE Word Processor, version MS Word 97 but this also works (in Windows 95 and NT 3.51): Word For Windows C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\WINWORD.EXE Word Processor, version MS Word 97 These three lines are all that's needed. The best way to identify the path is to view the path by observing the Properties of the Shortcut that exists (right mouse click) on the users PC or experiment. The program will not work if you do not include the first 'Setting=' line plus three lines for each program desired and will stop running. The first line contains the command Setting=3 as a default and the three lines that follow are each program parameters. Launcher has been tested in the above environments with no problems and is free to use, but not modify or sell. As expected, no warranties are implied or given. Launcher, Copyright 1997, Ed Crygier